
Tribute to mothers

   My life has been shaped by the pivotal roles women have played in it. The first tender touch I ever felt was from my mother, whose love and strength continue to inspire me. My social circle is a tapestry of inspiring women, each with their unique stories of resilience and strength. These personal connections have compelled me to pay tribute to all the remarkable women who, in their ways, make this world a better place.

While honoring women should be an everyday practice, celebrating their achievements is equally important. Imagine a world without a special day for mothers and wives whose exceptional contributions go unnoticed and unappreciated. By designating a day or a month to honor women, we can ensure their efforts are recognized and celebrated meaningfully.

            Women, in their unique capacity, are the only beings who can bring life into this world. While men play a crucial role, the woman carries the miracle of life within her. This profound ability, often overlooked, is a testament to the extraordinary contributions of women to our society.

            When we marry, and troubles arise, the ship that transports us through life sinks. Most men depart the boat, leaving the woman rowing alone and responsible for transporting her children to safety. What I just said is heartbreaking, but it is a fact. A woman never abandons her children; she does it without hesitation and strives daily to keep them alive. The most beautiful thing about this situation is that she never regrets her actions. She loves, feeds, and takes them by hand until they can fly without her help.

            Well, let me show my point. I can give you a few instances from my family, and with my sister’s permission, I’ll tell you how important they are to their children.

            Of my five sisters, four have had to raise their offspring alone. My other sister has remained married, though perhaps the sacrifices she has made to maintain her marriage, no one knows.

            It is not a secret that I come from a low-income family, and our childhood needs were the order of the day. My youngest sister had to raise her three children alone, and that was never a negative motive for her. She raised her three children, who love and respect her very much. With much sacrifice, she went to university and became a teacher, and she kept going, doing a master’s and Ph.D. in education. Today, with her doctorate, she is a professor at a university in Puerto Rico.

            All my sisters surpassed themselves alone and with their young children. That is the reality of women in our society; they are left alone with their children but learn from the failed marriage and move on.

            I have always sympathized with intelligent people and those who use their intelligence to philosophize about life’s problems. Listening to Facundo Cabral, I learned his father abandoned him when he was born in Argentina. His mother became homeless because her ex-husband’s family took her out of the house where she lived with her children. Lost and with her children, she walked, begging for food to support her offspring. One of them died of hunger and cold. Facundo survived, but the lack of food and medical care left him with many diseases. His mother never abandoned them and always put a smiling face to the adversities. One day, one of Facundo’s brothers observed that people had houses to live in, but he and his family were so poor that they had never had one. Facundo’s mother looked at her son and spoke. Wretched are those with big houses to live in; we have the world, which is an enormous home.

            In all my analyzed examples, women always take responsibility for their children. The suffering is much; however, they do not regret what they do, and those offspring are his most precious treasure. The most important thing for my older sister is her only child, whom she raised alone. My second sister has four and loves them more than anything; for her, they are perfect. The most joyful feasts are those of this sister of mine because they are always together on the holidays of our calendar. My other sister has two daughters living with her. They care for and respect her mother. They are women who appreciate their mothers’ sacrifice to move them forward.

The next sister is the only one who lives with her husband; she has three children who please her with everything she wants. I told you about my younger sister already. All my nephews’ mothers are examples of responsibility and perseverance. I do not have to tell them they have the best mother in the world, and they do not change their mother for any other.

Women have been marginalized throughout history, and I have found nothing that equates women with men in the history books. The most critical positions in our society belong to men in many parts of the world. In the United States, we have never seen a woman as president.

Catholicism has changed, but a woman is still prohibited from being a priest. With so many problems this religion has had, it would be wise to have female priests. I assure you we would not have concerns with pedophilia, but this is a sensitive subject I would rather not touch on now.

            Women can do many things that men cannot, and I will only mention some of those I have seen in poems about women.

1.        Give her sperm, and she will give you a baby.

2.        Give her a house, and she will provide you with a home.

3.        Give her food, and she will provide you with an exquisite meal.

4.        Smile at her, and she will give you, her heart.

5.        She multiplies and magnifies everything you give her.

6.        If you give her trouble, be prepared because she will make your life impossible.

         In the second half of this post, I will discuss several women who have influenced my life.

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